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Plbg.com allows our visitors to exercise freedom of speech but we do sometimes censor posts which we believe are not in our best interest. Any plumbing related issues may be posted. Common decency, courtesy, and tolerance should be exercised.

Because of the nature of the Internet please do not assume or believe that any information posted on this site is anything but fiction.

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Note that a number of governmental regulations in some countries, states, counties, cities, territories, etc. require plumbing permits and/or licensed/registered trades/contractors.

Always check with local governmental agencies before doing any plumbing work as to local requirements and never rely upon any information given on Plbg.com as none can be considered reliable.

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  • Plbg.com has no control over external content that may be linked to from messages posted here. Please follow external links with caution.
  • Plbg.com is strictly for the exchange of plumbing related advice and NOT to ask about pricing/costs, nor where to find a product (try Google), nor how to operate or promote a business, nor for ethics (law) and the like questions.
  • Plbg.com is also not a place to ask radiant heating (try HeatingHelp.com), electrical or even general construction type questions. We are exclusively for plumbing questions.

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