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Chattrat (TN)
I need some advice regarding an under sink 2.5 gallon water heater. I got tired of wasting water waiting for warm/hot water at our kitchen sink in our stand alone kitchen island. All our plumbing from our garage is in the slab.
At first I thought of small under counter kitchen sink water heater 120 volt. I choose a Biselong model BI-2.5. I had proper power under the sink (electrical receptacle) and an adjacent under sink cabinet space. Now I thought drilling granite counter space but why not find a way to use existing faucet connecting piping.
I researched an inline hookup with existing plumbing. I re routed the hot water piping feed for the sink faucet to the cold water input side of the 2.5 tank and connected from the output side of the 2.5 gallon tank to the hot water feed faucet for the sink. Input and output are on the top of the unit.
There was an inline pressure relief valve and plastic tubing for water heater drain provided with the tank which I screwed on the out put side of the tank and then I attached the hot feed to the sink. I plugged it in to power and it worked fine. A little lower pressure but ok.
This morning I found the pressure valve had leaked about 1/2 cup of water.
The pressure relief valve has a small handle that you lift to open the valve. Your suggestions would be much appreciated.
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DaveMill (CA)
Hard to say without a photo, but it sounds like one of your connections is leaking. It could be any of the connections vertically above where the water drips off the hose. Try wrapping tissue paper around the pipe at various places, this will help you locate the leak.
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bsipps (PA)
It is a temperature and pressure relief valve
Get a reading of the temperature when the unit thermostat cuts off temp should be no higher than 130F
Get a reading of the pressure not to exceed 80psi
You may need to add an expansion tank on your main water heater
Or add a grundfos pump to your main water heater and ditch the 2.5
They are easily hooked up to your existing water heater and then install the tee fitting they provide under your kitchen sink on the hot and cold water lines
Edited 1 times.
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Chattrat (TN)
All the piping under the sink is visible from the cutoff for the hot water thru all the piping/hose I added. I do not see any leaks. Is it possible that the 2.5 gallon tank input is cold water only instead of either cold water or hot water from the main water heater only for the input? I'm trying to contact the distributor.
About 1/2 cup water out of drain from pressure release valve again today. If it is bad or leaky could this affect my water pressure to the sink also.
thanks for trying to help.
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Chattrat (TN)
My main water heater has an expansion tank. I am setting the 2.5 gallon temp setting about 1/2 way. My plan is too have warm water for hand washing quickly in stead of wasting water through slab installed piping. I am assuming that when the 2.5 gallon tank senses the higher temp water from the main water heater in garage then (all piping in slab to point of use) the 2.5 gallon tanks thermostat will cut off and the system will use the 2.5 tank and associated connection flex hosesin a pass through manner.
Thanks helping
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Chattrat (TN)
Max temp from main water heater 110
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Chattrat (TN)
I got some further direction on my under sink water heater. Like a dummy I put the inline screw on pressure relief valve on the output instead of the input (normally cold). As my feed to this 2.5 WH is from my main water heater (40' from my kitchen sink via piping installed in a slab) to the input of my 2.5 wh (instead of the normal cold water)and then the output of the 2.5 gallon to my faucet is there an problem with the pressure relief valve taking hot water at the input for the tank.
As I have an expansion tank and pressure relief valve on my main water heater do I even need a pressure relief on the under sink tank. (sorry if this is a dumb question).
Sorry about the length of my description. Just trying to give enough info to describe my situation.
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bsipps (PA)
At this point it may be better to call the manufacturer and explain what your trying to do and the issues your having
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Chattrat (TN)
I am trying to get some clarification from the Chinese manufacturer through customer support Amazon.
thanks for trying to help.
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Chattrat (TN)
I received a follow up with the manufacturer. My set up is Good. The pressure relief valve is set for 108 from the factory. They are confident in the performance of the tank and this pressure relief valve.
I am also going to use a Wi Fi receptacle module to plug into to set typical user times. That way I'm not heating water with this unit 24 a days, saving power cost and hopefully extending the life of this small water hearer.
So I'm all set. Thanks all for trying help.
Edited 2 times.
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