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BoredatHome (SC)
My well is 430ft deep and was drilled 12 years ago. I also have alot of iron in my water, blacksand in filter and for past couple of years some red stuff on my water filter....
3 weeks ago the water started to surge some with that wonderful nasty smell again. replaced my whole house filter thinking that may be the problem since I had to use a different brand filter than normal. Didnt help.
About 10 days ago both the hot and cold water would just randomly stop flowing for a min or 3 and start back, then stop. I could hear water going into the hot water heater. Its been cold here and the cold water is ice cold so I thought maybe the line is freezing some and its ice that blocks the line until it melts, even tho ive never had a problem with frozen lines before and ive been leaving the water dripping during this cold spell. I wrapped the tank at the well with some insulation. I noticed the pressure guage said 100psi and soon as i barely turn on the water at the well the pressure would drop quickly to 60 the pump would cut on and when I turn the water off it would quickly shoot back to 100psi.
Ive uploaded a video of this here...[streamable.com] (video will expire in 2 days).
Should the pressure guage be filled with oil? Could this be the problem or something else?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Edited 1 times.
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