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 Delta tub spout whistling
Author: sum (FL)

I have been kind of struggling with this Delta tub spout. The original old spout no longer diverts flow to the shower properly so I called Delta and they sent me a replacement. They actually sent me two replacement because my email followup question was answered by a different person and they probably did not read my question but simply ordered another one.

It has a brass adapter that threads onto the male adapter and the spout threads onto that.

I turned on the water and as I increased the volume by turning the lever from horizontal (closed) to vertical (max volume) I heard a high pitch whistle, pretty loud.

I thought OK may be some debris caught in the new spout, so I removed it and back flushed it from the lav faucet. Tried it again and same thing. I dialed the lever back to about 45 degrees and the whistle stopped. I let it ran for about 3 minutes thinking it may eventually stop but didn't.

Since I have a second spout I opened that and tried it, same problem. So this ruled out the spout had some trapped debris.

Next I pulled on the diverter knob to divert to the shower and the whistling stopped, so this seems to suggest whatever was causing this is beyond the diverter gate inside the spout right?

Finally I removed the second new spout and thread back on the original old spout, and turned water on and no whistle.

Hmmm...looking at the spout outlet they have changed the design. The old one has very little restriction where the new one only allows water from the perimeter.

I think this issue is a flow restriction somewhere right? Any chance it could be the mixing valve cartridge? But why would the old spout had no whistling but both new spouts have the same issue?

Does other Delta spout thread onto the same adapter perhaps a different spout outlet design may work?

Will drilling an 3/8" middle hole in the new spout outlet increase the flow to reduce the restriction be worth a shot?

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 Re: Delta tub spout whistling
Author: sum (FL)

An update.

I called Delta and explained to them what I found, plus all the troubleshooting I already did, and the original spout did not have a whistling sound at all, and two new spouts I have both of them whistled.

The rep put me on hold and came back after a few minutes and he said the only conclusion is that both of those are defective and they will send me a new one (a third one)! So now I have to wait another 6-8 days to get a new spout which I know will also whistle.

I don't think Delta is going to be able to solve this issue and their only course of action is to send me a new spout which I don't need too many of.

Any suggestions? Should I drill a hole in the new spout's outlet to increase flow and see if the whistle goes away?

Alternatively, do all Delta spouts have this similar design at the end? Is there a model with a diverter knob and a different outlet pattern worth a try?

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 Re: Delta tub spout whistling
Author: Curly (CA)

Since you have so many tub spouts I don't think you have anything to loose by drilling a hole etc.

Delta does make a pull down diverter tub spout that threads on to your same adapter...

Classic Tub Spout with Pull-Down Diverter - RP17453

Ask Delta to send you one of these for free !

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 Re: Delta tub spout whistling
Author: sum (FL)

I drilled a hole on the outlet of the spout, didn't make a difference.

Enlarged the hole to 3/8" and still same problem. Oh well.

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