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I have septic smell almost all the time. I had the plumbers come out and do a smoke test. Seems the toilet had a leak and they replaced the wax ring. They also found a cracked PVC drain pipe and replaced it. That was 2 weeks ago.
I still have way too much oder and I believe it's coming out the vent pipe which it is supposed to. I had the tank sucked out about a year ago. Since there are only 2 people in the house it's no way near needing it pumped out again according to the septic service guy.
No chemicals or bleach go into the tank.
I read that flushing 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar every month will fix the PH in the tank and the smell will go away. Does this sound right? Does anyone have any other ideas on killing the smell?
thanks in advance
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DaveMill (CA)
>I read that flushing 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar every month will fix the PH in the tank and the smell will go away. Does this sound right?
Total nonsense. It will fizz and might dissolve some grease, but it won't help your problem.
>Does anyone have any other ideas on killing the smell?
The smell is normal, you cannot kill it, but you do need to find where it is still leaking out.
A peppermint oil test could help you. It requires two people. One person (old guy with lame nose) dumps peppermint oil into the outside the vent pipe. The other (younger person with good sense of smell) stays inside sniffing for any hint of peppermint smell. I've done this twice, it works even when the leak is behind kitchen cabinets.
Note that the old guy should not come back inside until the smell is located, because he reeks from the peppermint oil he spilled on his hands and clothes and his olfactory system has been overwhelmed already.
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