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 low pressure after upstream construction
Author: Matt D (PA)

new construction up stream has left me with lower water pressure. Water was shut off multiple times and turned back on to connect 8 new homes. After the last turn on, my pressure, which was great prior at 64psi, only returned to 55. Toilets now take over a minute to refill. Two taps open simultaneously reduces flow dramatically. Shower on second floor struggles to even work at all. All utilities throughout the house are affected. I have had my water meter swapped out by water company with no change. Plumber is coming tomorrow to possibly change my main shutoff in the hope that THAT is the problem. Water company personnel believes debris from up stream construction may have gotten into my main and is causing a limited blockage. Any other suggestions as to what may be causing this problem and what my options are? Digging up my driveway and possibly the street is going to be nasty expensive if I have to resort to that. I'm searching for answers.

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 Re: low pressure after upstream construction
Author: steve (CA)

If it is a debris problem, I think it is more likely that is from debris in the supply piping that has broken loose and is plugging something on your main and not debris from the new construction uphill. Are you checking static pressure or dynamic pressure? Do you have a pressure regulator or a filter? Was your main shut off valve turned off or the water company shut off the main off the street?

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 Re: low pressure after upstream construction
Author: packy (MA)

IF... your pipes were clear (no debris) you wouldn't notice the difference between 64 and 55 PSI. 55PSI is adequate pressure for any single fixture to operate just fine.
if after your plumber does a few tests and there is no improvement then you need to dump this squarely on the lap of the DPW. they have caused this problem, they need to fix it.

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 Re: low pressure after upstream construction
Author: Don411 (IN)

FWIW, we have well water and the well pump is set to kick on at 40 psi and cut out at 60 psi. Even at 40 psi all fixtures work normally, sounds like you have a volume problem, not a pressure problem. Solid advice from Packy, if it was fine until DPW worked on it then it's their problem to fix.

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