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ukiltmybrutha (VA)
I recently received an alert from my Sense Monitoring system that the well pump had run for more than hours.
I could find no evidence of that and the next day I went to grab a glass of water and it tasted like salt water.
I am not very well versed with my water filtration system that has 4 components but I know that it has a brine tank with 3 other 5 footish high tanks that connect to each other.
The brine tank was low on salt and the tank next to it was running (water sounds) non stop.
I looked at the gauge at the well pressure switch near the pressure tank which is set for 63 high and 43 low. It would short cycle e.g. jump from 43 psi to 75 psi really quick back and forth.
I did some reading about checking the pressure tank psi. I checked the pressure and it was only at 9.5 psi after emptying it of water
I filled up the 10.5 year old pressure tank to about 38 psi (I know it should technically be 41 psi but didn't know that pressure switch was set to 43/63 psi until later).
Any ideas what would cause a leak in this case?
The unit is a ProFlo 32 gallon PF-32.
Thanks for any pointers.
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bernabeu (SC)
old age
if it happens again (loss of air charge) replace it
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ukiltmybrutha (VA)
It sure as heck happened again. It takes about 2 weeks for the pressure to go down to zero. I can get away with nursing it for a while.
Do I need to purchase the same brand to reduce plumbing compatibility issues? I would rather a simple swap if possible.
Edited 1 times.
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