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 Low Toilet Bowl Level
Author: Mikki_Maraj (Non-US)

Hi All, hoping for some advice on the problem below. I decide to change my toilet as as the old one got damaged. Before I put the new unit in, I decide to check what level the water would be in bowl. I filled the bowl till water ran out the waste side. To my dismay I noticed that the water level was extremely low. Am i missing something or is this bowl damaged? I checked for cracks but did not see any.


Edited 1 times.

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 Re: Low Toilet Bowl Level
Author: bernabeu (SC)

it 'seems' way too low, but, it 'may' be as designed

? can you try another identical bowl (perhaps at the point of sale) ?

the only 'true' test is to actually flush it


"Measure Twice & Cut Once" - Retired U.A. Local 1 & 638

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 Re: Low Toilet Bowl Level
Author: brasscupcakes (CT)


I have the same low water problem in both of our toilets. Unfortunately they are both working as designed.

To OP: If you have a ball and float piece, you can make the water go higher by raising the ball. Similarly, if you have one of those plastic tubular float pieces, the water is supposed to go higher or lower by turning it by hand or in some cases with a screwdriver. See Youtube if it isn't obvious how to do this.

Anyhow, our toilets have those plastic mechanisms and even though I have adjusted mine to the highest point, the water level in the bowl is still too low.

I've seen some posts in this forum praising efficient toilets and stating that anyone who can't get a complete flush from a decent modern toilet needs to see a doctor, but this isn't so.

What plumbers and product designers don't understand is that it isn't a problem with people having giant, unflush-able stools.

Some of us have kidney issues, motility disorders, IBS, IBD and even cardiac problems frequently ingest large amounts of fiber as well as gums such as acacia or guar. Others take large amounts of plain gelatin powder because it helps with arthritis (and also heals the intestinal lining if you have leaky gut syndrome).

Also weight lifter muscle head type people regularly chug smoothies full of all kinds of sludge producing protein and other powders. They also need a high fill level!

Anyhow -- people with these conditions are made miserable by modern toilets because we poop out gummy gelatinous stuff that sticks to the side of the bowl even where there's water, never mind where there isn't any. We scrub completely after every single BM!

I am spending $10 a week on Chlorox toilet bowl cleaner in a small household.

So far as trying a better toilet goes, I was going to pick up a couple of American Standard Champions and install them but unfortunately, as of 2023, American Standard has zero quality control when it comes to the porcelain produced in their Mexican factories.

The reviews on Home Depot and Lowes are about nothing but leaks and cracks and on each review someone from American Standard notes they can get warranty replacement of the porcelain. But that's not much consolation after you already have water damage, plus, you eat the cost of cleanup, install and removal of the old toilet.

I have heard the Toto toilets are also great at flushing but they are WAY over our budget right now.

So if anyone knows of way to HACK the fill level of my toilets until I can afford top of the line toilets (which may still be inadequate), please let me know.

Our current "fix" is whichever family member makes a deposit has to refill the two gallon bucket next to the toilet so it is ready for the next person who needs to go. If you pour the water fast enough from a high enough point, you get a clean flush. But not every family member is consistent with this practice.

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 Re: Low Toilet Bowl Level
Author: bernabeu (SC)

There is NO, repeat NO, way to hack a "law of physics".

Water will seek its own level.

The water in a toilet will NOT be above the 'crown weir' (which is internal and integral to the porcelain bowl itself).

If you need a 'better' toilet, a better one will need to be purchased.

It is POSSIBLE, but not probable, that the bowl trap refill tube is not actually inserted into the tank overflow tube OR that the flow rate through said tube is insufficient to refill the bowl's trap after the 'siphonage'.

see: https://life-improver.com/diy/toilet-bowls-not-filling-with-enough-water/

and: [www.bing.com]


"Measure Twice & Cut Once" - Retired U.A. Local 1 & 638

Edited 2 times.

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 Re: Low Toilet Bowl Level
Author: mud369 (PA)

The water level should be to the top of the trap, look at the side of the toilet to see where the inside trap turns down, water will flow over the top, the level should be at the bottom of that curve, if it is a fill problem make sure the fill valve hose is in the overflow tube or simply not working.

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