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 Condo bathroom sinks drain saga
Author: Quenelle (FL)

Hello folks.

I live in Jax, FL and here's my story.

I’ve had a long history with my bathrooms’ sinks on the 2nd floor not draining well. They were already slow draining from the time I bought this condo 1.5 years ago. But overtime it has gotten worse. They would completely clog after a minute of running water.

I probably have spent around $50 altogether on Draino to get them working in the past.

When I plunge the drains in those bathrooms – weird stuff from outside would come back – leaves, small twigs, sand – figured out there must be some sort of vent on the roof that is broken and lets all this garbage in. I do have a massive oak tree overhanging my condo building.

Sort of have given up on those sinks for awhile.

Finally there was the HOA meeting about a month ago. I spoke to the officers and they agreed that this is the HOA’s responsibility since it’s coming from the outside.

2 weeks later they have sent a plumber to take a look. The guy didn’t feel inspired to climb the roof all by himself. He tried to use his standard 25’ rooter to clear the jam – failed. He agreed that this is something called “common line” that is jammed and it needs to be cleared from the ceiling.

He talked to the HOA manager on the phone and it was agreed that it will be faster if I were to hire a more advanced team of the plumbers to deal with it – to be later compensated by the HOA for the bill.

The guy recommended two different rooter companies.

I have called the 1st recommended vompany – they wanted $65 for the assessment visit first even though I have told them what the deal is.

Then I have scheduled another plumber on this past Monday, took the morning off at work.

Told them that it’s a climb on the roof kind of deal when was making the appointment.

Told them that again in the morning on Monday on the phone call confirming the appointment.

They were suppose to come between 8-10AM. They would call 30-40 min prior to confirm.

I got up at 7 am.

Nobody calls me.

I then called them myself after 8.

The dispatch was like, hur-durr, the other team has already taken the long ladder. They should be done by 10.

Finally 2 vans arrive. At 11:45.

They looked at my roof and were like – our ladder won’t reach there.

Ok, we’re gonna try to clear the jam with our advanced machine.

2 dudes.

Went in rooting out from the bathroom sink drain pipe again.

After awhile of drilling, they have broken off the tip of their “snake”.

Had to take a section of my pipe out, complaining “who have thought of putting a copper piping there for the drain…”

Didn’t have the replacement available.

Had to take 30 off to go to the hardware store.

Only one dude came back.

He “restored” the pipe he had to take out.

Tried to drill some more – to no success.

By then it was like around 2 PM already.

He has counted up to around $400 but said won’t charge me since he’d have to come back (I requested Saturday) to actually go get on the roof.

Wrapping up, he was like, let’s test the drain, to see if they were able to make the difference.

Turned the water on. Oh, look, joy – it’s not backing up!

Great, won’t have to come back!

We go downstairs to finalize…

And I’m hearing some strange noise down there…

Apparently the water is raining down from the light fixture in my hallway.

Oh $%#.

So I guess you are gonna have to come back. Took a picture and quickly skedaddled. Said the dispatch will give me a call for the details for Saturday.

Waiting. Getting tired and pissed off. Called them myself.

They are like oh ****, that one… let me call you back.

10 min later their boss calls.

Told him the whole thing.

I could tell he was kinda pulling his hair out on that side.

The plumber dude apparently failed to tell him about the light fixture shower.

He asked me for the pictures which I have provided.

There was 2 large towels’ worth of water collected on the floor. There were moist lines along the ceiling and around the fixture (not too bad). Obviously I’m not turning that light on.

Something along “we may end up having to pay YOU” was mentioned.

Fast forward. They didn’t come on Saturday to continue, however it was arranged with their boss to come for the assessment next Monday.

He came next Monday and basically shifted the narrative that the drain pipe is just old and it just up and effed itself. That this is not the common line issue. That their tool could not have hurt it. That it's gonna take having to cut out sections of the drywall to find where the pipe has busted. That it will come to thousand$ if they are to do all of that. Basically he's the expert and it was his word against mine. He suggested I think about what I want to do, that it would be a lot cheaper if I were to start cutting holes in my walls myself in order to locate the leak so it would be cheaper for me in the end. He also recommended to change the old cast iron drain pipe altogether. He did concede that he would be willing to reduce the bill to the minimum of $150 even though I have received an electronic bill for around $400 from them later.

I feel like the 2nd company boss is BSing me about them having nothing to do with the leak. I myself work in a repair industry, a very different kind. I know the technique of shifting the blame to the customer. But I'm not familiar with the rooting devices/plumber work ethics/should they be held responsible for effing up my pipes in the process. This is a big part of the question. They have wasted my whole day, destroyed my drain pipe, didn't clean the clog and still want their $400.

So, I'm hoping to hear reactions and recommendations from the professionals on how should I proceed from this point on.

Edited 1 times.

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 Re: Condo bathroom sinks drain
Author: packy (MA)

no contractor of any kind wants to go thru this.

they didn't break the drain on purpose.

open the walls and find out what happened.

post a couple of pictures so we all can make an intelligent assessment.

Edited 1 times.

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 Re: Condo bathroom sinks drain saga
Author: sum (FL)

You have been through some twists and turns.

I think at this point, you could divide your immediate tasks into two. One, someone has to snake your main drain from the roof vent down, using a full size head, this has not yet been done, as this was what was originally agreed on, and they didn't have a tall ladder and eventually went with a small snake through your sink drain.

But before all that you need to fix the leak behind the wall, that the plumber said was due to bad piping. Regardless of who's to blame, and what had to be paid, that needs to be fixed - either by that plumber who triggered the leak, or by another plumber. If you feel at this point your trust in that plumber has been lost, especially since they lost a snake head in there and had to open up the wall already, this may speak to the experience or skills or both of that plumber. May be you could get another plumber that can start fresh, and who is not biased when he does find the leak, to tell you who's fault it was (your piping or the first plumber). Either way the HOA will pay for all of this right? I don't know if insurance will need to get involved since the leak triggered water damages.

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 Re: Condo bathroom sinks drain saga
Author: bsipps (PA)

In my eyes a cable head nor cable should never be able to penetrate plumbing piping unless said piping is already compromised

The head of the cable breaking off is the risk you run with a clog especially the severity of a clog… heads break off it’s just what can sometimes happens no matter the skill level of the technician

If it were me given the past scenarios I’d jet the line and be done with it

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