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 Need stand for freestanding tub filler on concrete
Author: Hilltop1425 (TX)

I need a stand built to accommodate a freestanding tub filler. When the plumbing was roughed in before concrete was poured, the specs were evidently not properly read, therefore roughing it in for a different type of faucet that would have been attached to the tub, but my tub does not have drill holes for that configuration of tub filler. I spent over $3000 for my tub package. If the rough-in would have been correctly done, there wouldn’t be a problem.
I need to have a stand fabricated to accommodate it because I think that would be cheaper than busting out the concrete and reconfiguring the piping. Can anyone advise me on where to start? I know a stand can be quick-bolted to the floor to accommodate the freestanding tub filler; it has to have a way to attach to the pex water lines. Thank you for all valuable input. It will be greatly appreciated.

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 Re: Need stand for freestanding tub filler on concrete
Author: steve (CA)

Can you post pictures of the rough-in and faucet you want to use?

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 Re: Need stand for freestanding tub filler on concrete
Author: Oliversmith34 (CA)

As an expert plumber at repipefitting.com, I understand your situation and the need to find a solution for accommodating your freestanding tub filler. While I cannot view the pictures you mentioned, I can provide some general advice on how to approach this issue:

Assess the space: Start by evaluating the available space around the tub and the location of the existing rough-in. Measure the distance between the rough-in and where you would like the tub filler to be positioned.

Research compatible stands: Look for pre-fabricated stands or pedestals that are designed specifically for freestanding tub fillers. These stands are typically adjustable in height and come with mounting brackets or flanges to secure the tub filler. Make sure to check the specifications and dimensions of the stand to ensure compatibility with your tub filler.

Consult with a plumber: It would be beneficial to consult with a professional plumber who can assess the existing plumbing configuration and provide advice on the most suitable solution for your specific situation. They can also recommend any necessary modifications to the PEX water lines or suggest alternative options to accommodate the tub filler.

Custom fabrication: If you cannot find a pre-fabricated stand that meets your requirements, you may consider custom fabrication. Consult with a metalworker or a skilled contractor who can build a stand tailored to your needs. Ensure that the stand is sturdy and securely anchored to the floor, and that it provides the necessary attachment points for the PEX water lines.

Cost analysis: Compare the cost of fabricating a stand versus the potential cost of busting out the concrete and reconfiguring the piping. Consider the time, labor, and potential damage involved in each option to make an informed decision.

Remember, it's important to consult with professionals who can physically assess the situation and provide accurate advice based on the specific details of your installation. They will be able to guide you through the process and help you find the best solution to accommodate your freestanding tub filler.

Edited 1 times.

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 Re: Need stand for freestanding tub filler on concrete
Author: bernabeu (SC)


..... the specs were evidently not properly read .....

let the contractor correct their error


install a 'work around'

MTI - Faucet Stand - For Sculpturestone Tubs - Large Version

mid/upper three figure cost which the contractor should absorb


"Measure Twice & Cut Once" - Retired U.A. Local 1 & 638

Edited 1 times.

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 Re: Need stand for freestanding tub filler on concrete
Author: packy (MA)

bust the floor and reconfigure the water lines.

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