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 when to use pipe dope, tape, grease etc...
Author: carolitis (NC)

Newbie and renovating- confused when do you use these different products -some may be the same.
Pipe dope
plumbers putty
plumbers silicone grease
pipe joint compound
white plumbers tape think -inside
other plumbers tape
any other compounds or tapes you want to add to the list
this could be agood reference as I have been told many use these products incorrectly who should know better
thanks a million

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 Re: when to use pipe dope, tape, grease etc...
Author: North Carolina Plumber (NC)

Pipe Dope- Use on metal male threads.
Plumbers Putty- Use on sink drain flanges, tub drain flanges.
Silicon Grease- Use on water filter housing threads, and on o-rings.
Pipe Joint Compound- Same as pipe dope.
White plumbers tape- Use on plastic + metal male threads.
Pink plumbers tape- Use on metal male threads for gas piping.
Thats just a general idea.
Putty should not be used on threads, its purpose is to prevent water from flowing between 2 flat surfaces.
Silicon grease is only for lubrication purposes where there is already a water tight seal.
Most dopes, compounds and all colors tape can be interchanged, although some dopes and compounds are not safe for plastic threads.

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 Re: when to use pipe dope, tape, grease etc...
Author: hj (AZ)

WEll, since there are HUNDREDS of possible connections, and some COULD use more than one item, the list would be very extensive. Add to that the problem that we do NOT always agree on the product to use in a specific situation, and it gets even longer. As a "quick reference", but NOT always precise:
1. If they screw together use dope, tape, or paste. My preference is in that order
2. If they "squeeze" together then plumber's putty or silicone, again in that order fo preference
3. If they have to "rotate" then plumber's grease or silicon lube.

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 Re: when to use pipe dope, tape, grease etc...
Author: MrSurly (TX)

As important is understanding when NOT to use thread treatments:
Never use tape/dope/putty on connections that don't have tapered threads.
I.E. don't use thread treatments on flare, compression, gasketed or O-ring fittings.

Thread treatments are ONLY to assist the sealing of tapered-thread fittings (NPT) as the tapered threads provide the seal.

Using tape, etc on compression, flare, ips, pex, O-ring (SharkBite) will actually CAUSE leaks.

Edited 1 times.

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